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Notes for AKCP firmware upgrade version SPPLUS-1.0.6086, released 4 April 2024

    This firmware upgrade is for:

  • sensorProbe+ series, F7 & H7 platform


Contents of the file

  1. spplus_f7-1.0.6086.bin
  2. akcp.mib
  4. Changelog.txt

Contents of the file

  1. spplus_h7-1.0.6086.bin
  2. akcp.mib
  4. Changelog.txt



  1. Download the .zip file and extract its contents to a folder on your computer. The extracted folder should include the following files:
    spplus-1.0.*.zip – this file contains the firmware files
    spplus_f7-1.0.*.bin – firmware file for the F7 units
    spplus_h7-1.0.*.bin – firmware file for the H7 units
    akcp.mib – MIB file
    Lang_*.zip – WebUI language files
  2. Log into your SP+ units web interface as the Administrator (see product manuals).
  3. Verify your unit type F7 or H7 by navigating to the Settings >> About page >> System Description page.
  4. Navigate to the System >> Maintenance page.
  5. From the System Firmware Upgrade option click on the “Upgrade” button.
  6. Click on the “Choose File” button then browse to the extracted spplus-x.x.xxxx.bin file (where x = the version number of the firmware). Make sure you’ve chosen the correct file for your unit type.
  7. Then click the “Upgrade” button.


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