Walk-In Cooler Temperature Monitoring

Maintain Optimal Temperature for Walk-In Coolers

  • Remote Monitoring Anytime, Anywhere
  • Wireless Temperature Sensors
  • Realtime Monitoring and Alerts
  • Reduce Spoilage and Waste
  • Regulatory Compliance

AKCP Remote Monitoring System for Walk-In Coolers

Over 30 years of experience in sensor monitoring solutions

Maintaining the temperature for walk-in coolers is essential for keeping stored products at their prescribed temperature. Whether you are storing food, or pharmaceuticals if the temperature is above or below the correct range, costly spoilage occurs. AKCP Wireless Tunnel™ temperature sensors are suitable for monitoring walk-in coolers. With our NIST2 technology temperature sensors have internal calibration integrity checking. NIST4 sensors feature additional failover should a sensor be out of calibration.

Advantages of Walk-In Cooler Remote Temperature Monitoring


Comply with national and local legislation regarding the proper storage and monitoring of temperature-sensitive products.

Reduced Spoilage
and Waste

Avoid unnecessary waste of products through temperature excursions. Real-time monitoring and alerts via e-mail and SMS.

Anytime, Anywhere

Monitor walk-in cooler temperatures from anywhere in the world through the AKCP cloud service. No apps to install.

Protect your

Ensure customers have peace of mind that products stored in your walk-in cooler facilities are protected and monitored.

Data Logging During Transit

In addition to monitoring the temperature of walk-in coolers, the installation of sensors on refrigerated delivery trucks gives real-time monitoring during transport. Ensure your temperature-sensitive products are monitored and protected throughout the cold chain. From walk-in cooler through to delivery the AKCP cloud platform provides an audited trail of temperature.

Cooler Temperature MonitoringCold Storage facilities are monitored in real-time. Live tracking and monitoring of refrigerated delivery vehicles with GPS link.

Cooler Temperature MonitoringCold Storage facilities are monitored in real-time. Refrigerated delivery vehicles log data and synchronize when back at the warehouse.

AKCPro Server – Central Monitoring Software

AKCPro Server central monitoring software displays all your vehicle locations and temperature values. Live central monitoring of all deployed devices. Daily reports and graphing. Use with all AKCP base units

[su_lightbox class=”x-btn x-btn-block borderradius” type=”inline” src=”#online-demo”] AKCPro Server Live Online Demo[/su_lightbox] [su_lightbox_content id=”online-demo” color=”#000000″]

Please use the following login details for accessing the online demo

Username: demo
Password: yCkVeHdz



“For our installation at NEX Navy Exchange in Guam, the cost was a major factor. The AKCP platform was easily installed, worked great, and was very cost-effective.”
Bill Ward, District Facilities Manager. NEX Distribution Center, Guam.

NEX Distribution Center is responsible for all frozen food storage and distribution of these products to all NEX locations located with Navy facilities throughout Guam.

Our freezers operate between -20C and -23C. We monitor within a 1°C accuracy using AKCP cold storage temperature sensors.

Temperature sensor data is available in real time. AKCP keeps an automatic log of freezer temperatures. Notification Wizards generate alerts when the temperature is too high or too low.

Request a Quotation

Request a quotation from one of our experienced sales staff today.

AKCPWalk-In Cooler Temperature Monitoring