Hello AKCP Team,

Can you please let us know how many users can access the SP+ (SP2+ & SPX+) web UI at the same time? Can you please let us know when connecting via both through an HTTP & HTTPS connection?

And for the APS, I’ve not heard of any limitations on number of users?

Thank you

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Hello AKCP Customer,

Regarding the concurrent connections or users connecting simultaneously to a single SP+ unit are as follows:
HTTP session: 4 max
HTTPS session: 1 max

This applies to all SP+ unit types or platforms (F4, F7, H7).

Additional Information: When the total sessions reach the maximum, the unit will free the oldest ones for the new connections. The session termination and creation takes time and it makes the Web UI dash board update/page browsing/saving slower.
The effect is much more noticeable on the slower platforms (F4 and F7).

In addition, the F7 and H7 includes the user auto-logout feature which will logout the idle users after configured time period.

Our recommendation is to use up to 6 HTTP / 2 HTTPS concurrent connections on the H7 devices.

Regarding the AKCPro Server: There are no limitations on the concurrent users or connections. We recommend using separate user accounts if possible to avoid workspace-saving conflicts on both the APS and the SP+ devices.
In the case of using the same user on multiple PCs, we recommend editing the workspace only on 1 PC at a time and then refreshing all sessions afterwards to sync the changes.

Best regards,
AKCP Support Team

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AKCPConcurrent user connections on SP+ and AKCPro Server