Data Center Monitoring Solutions
Who are AKCP and what do we do? We are the oldest and largest manufacturer of SNMP based, wired and wireless sensors for the data center. We provide monitoring solutions for the modern data center. Not only the physical hardware, such as temperature and humidity sensors, but software such as DCIM and computational fluid dynamics.
The modern data center is a complex set of infrastructure, bringing together IT equipment, Cooling, Power and Security in one building. The IT infrastructure needs power to function, it produces heat that needs removing, and there are aspects of both physical and cyber security to be considered.
AKCP monitoring solutions bring all this together into one package. We provide environmental monitoring, with specialist sensors such as cabinet thermal maps. We provide power monitoring, so that important key performance metrics (KPI’s) can be calculated such as Power Usage effectiveness (PUE). In addition, we have access control to secure racks and rooms within the building, integration with IP based CCTV cameras for sensor event recording. All of this data is collected by AKCPro Server, our DCIM software that maps the physical layout of your data center in 3D, the locations of sensors, produces heat maps that display sensor values, hotspots and cold spots. We even provide a FREE computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package that allows you to create an analysis of your data centers airflow and cooling efficiency.
In addition, sensorCFD is a unique function of the AKCP DCIM solution that integrated CFD with our real live sensor data to create a CFD analysis based on real world parameters rather than arbitrary figures usually used in CFD calculations.
So whether your data center is a small room with 1 rack, or a hyper scale data center with thousands of racks, AKCP can provide the right monitoring solution for you.