AKCP – 1 Mega Watt Data Center Facility Under Construction


AKCP have started construction of a 1 Mega Watt Data Center facility. This will showcase their complete data center design solution, including environmental, power and security monitoring, sensorCFD and an innovative, energy saving cooling system.

Traditional data centers are overcooled, and mostly focus on uptime as the primary goal. Many have limited, or poor containment, and have little understanding of airflow and pressures at key points in the heating and cooling cycle.

For over 30 years AKCP has led the field in data center monitoring applications, ensuring that uptime is maintained through a comprehensive network of sensors, thermal maps, power and security monitoring.

With our new 1 Mega Watt data center facility AKCP will be showcasing their complete, energy efficient data center design. A blueprint that can be replicated across your facilities, including an innovative, energy efficient cooling system, sensorCFD analysis, DCIM software, power distribution, monitoring and containment pods.

In this video, the first in a series of “how to construct a 1 Mega Watt Data Center” videos, Nicholas Barrowclough, President at AKCP tours us around the ongoing construction, and gives us some insights as to what the final facility will look like.

AKCPAKCP – 1 Mega Watt Data Center Facility Under Construction